  • 产品名称:知名CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180生产商_防爆感温探测器相关-上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 产品数量:30000
  • 保质/修期:365
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-10-15

Fire Detection, Heat-Actuated


Heat sensitive devices may be either "spot" or "line" type and operate at a fixed temperature or on a rapid increase in

temperature (rate-of-rise). Some detectors combine the fixed and rate sensitive principles.

The spacing guides listed are indicative of each detector"s relative sensitivity and, in each case, the spacing guide is the

maximum recommended separation between detectors for smooth-ceiling installations. For a given temperature rating, a

fixed-temperature detector which has a 30 ft (9 m) listing and one which has a 15 ft (5 m) listing will both respond at

approximately the same time to a geometrically growing fire if each is installed at its listed spacing. FM Approved rate-of-rise

detectors all have 30 ft (9 m) listed spacings, the maximum separation recommended by FM Approvals.

Installation of heat detectors at less than maximum spacing is necessary: to achieve earlier response; to compensate for ceiling

obstructions such as beams and joists; and to compensate for ceiling heights greater than 15 ft (5 m). Proper location and use of

heat detectors involves consideration of ceiling construction, the location of partitions, the maximum normal room temperature,

heat produced by the occupancy, and whether detector function is to warn occupants or to automatically actuate protection

equipment. Refer to Standard 72-1993 of the National Fire Protection Association and design specifications published by

jurisdictional authorities, as appropriate.

液缸的活塞向下运动(既重物下降)。液压油经防爆型电磁换向阀进入液缸上端,液缸下端回油经平衡阀、液控单向阀、节流阀、隔爆型电磁换向阀回到油箱。为使重物下降平稳,制动安全可靠,知名CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180生产商,感温火灾探测器相关,在回油路上设置平衡阀,平衡回路、保持压力,使下降速度不受重物而变化,由节流阀调节流量,控制升降速度。 为使制动安全可靠,防止意外,增加液控单向阀,知名CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180生产商,线型感温火灾探测器相关,即液压锁,保证在液压管线意外爆裂时能安全自锁。安装了超载声控报警器,用以区别超载或设备故障。

Series CTI Linear Heat Detectors

Series CTI (Confirmed Temperature Initiation) Linear Heat Detectors used with CTM-530(LT) Interface Module. Model

designation identifies operating temperature rating: CTI-155 {155°F (68°C)}, CTI-190 {190°F (88°C)}, CTI-220 {220°F (105°C)},

CTI-280 {280°F (138°C)}, and CTI-356 {356°F (180°C)}. Suffix, R or X, is added for alternate outer jacket materials. Each

原装进口JTW-LD-PW112 85C感温探测生产商_正品火警探测、报警设备-上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司
原装进口JTW-LD-PW112 85C感温探测生产商_正品火警探测、报警设备-上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司
cable is a continuous line type open circuit detector that shorts when in an alarm condition. Spacing guide for the cables:

CTI-155 and CTI-190, 30 x 30 ft (9.1 x 9.1 m); CTI-220 and CTI-280, 25 x 25 ft (7.6 x 7.6 m). CTI-356 is intended for proximity

detection only. CTM-530(LT) Interface Module distinguishes between a mechanical short in the CTI heat detector and thermal

alarm activation. CTM-530(LT) operates on 12 or 24 V dc and provides relay and 4-20 mA outputs for connection to a

compatible Approved control. CTM-530 operating temperature range is -20ºF (-29ºC) {-40ºF (-40ºC) for LT version} to 120ºF (49ºC).

2017年5月31日7时20分,天津滨海新区新港街道国贸西路,天津港保税区,4号卡子门内新南纸业(天津)有限公司货场一废纸堆垛起火,火势较大。过火面积约一千平米,天津目前风力较大也给扑救工作带来了难度,货场附近空旷,周边无居民和企业,面积约7400平方米,堆放废纸约1万吨。  着火后,知名CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180生产商,火花探测器相关,天津市委书记李鸿忠和市长王东峰高度重视及时作出指示,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,市领导张玉卓、赵飞等现场指挥灭火,经过消防官兵扑救,火情已得到有效控制。考虑到现场风势较大,以控制火情蔓延为主。截至目前尚未发现人员伤亡的情况,消防部门还在进一步扑救、排查当中。

注册时间: 2001-01-19




