- 产品名称:正规CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180服务商_防爆感温探测器相关-上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司
- 产品价格:面议
- 产品数量:30000
- 保质/修期:365
- 保质/修期单位:日
- 更新日期:2019-10-15
Fire Detection, Heat-Actuated
Heat sensitive devices may be either "spot" or "line" type and operate at a fixed temperature or on a rapid increase in
temperature (rate-of-rise). Some detectors combine the fixed and rate sensitive principles.
The spacing guides listed are indicative of each detector"s relative sensitivity and, in each case, the spacing guide is the
maximum recommended separation between detectors for smooth-ceiling installations. For a given temperature rating, a
fixed-temperature detector which has a 30 ft (9 m) listing and one which has a 15 ft (5 m) listing will both respond at
approximately the same time to a geometrically growing fire if each is installed at its listed spacing. FM Approved rate-of-rise
detectors all have 30 ft (9 m) listed spacings, the maximum separation recommended by FM Approvals.
Installation of heat detectors at less than maximum spacing is necessary: to achieve earlier response; to compensate for ceiling
obstructions such as beams and joists; and to compensate for ceiling heights greater than 15 ft (5 m). Proper location and use of
heat detectors involves consideration of ceiling construction, the location of partitions, the maximum normal room temperature,
heat produced by the occupancy, and whether detector function is to warn occupants or to automatically actuate protection
equipment. Refer to Standard 72-1993 of the National Fire Protection Association and design specifications published by
专业JTW-LD-PW112 85C感温探测制造厂家_优质火警探测、报警设备-上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司
jurisdictional authorities, as appropriate.
昨日上午10时许,在临淮路与天长路交口一汽配店二楼仓库,发生失火,由于火势蔓延,引发大量冷煤罐发生爆炸,损失惨重编辑,所幸未造成人员受伤。 编辑赶到时,火势已被扑灭,消防员正在调查失火原因。二楼仓库的窗户只剩下框架,边缘处都是炙烤后的焦痕,地上散落了大量碎玻璃,汽配店工作人员正在搬运其他货物。据获悉,店里的工作人员发现二楼蹿出浓烟报道,正规CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180服务商,防爆感温探测器相关,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,上楼查看中,突然传出剧烈的爆炸声响,循声望去,进来的十几箱冷煤罐已着火,持续发出炸响声,甚至飞溅砸破玻璃,崩到窗外。在离门面约十多米远地方,散落了十几个瓶瓶罐罐,都已挤压变形。据报道以为,火灾给老板造成四五万元损失。 记者21日晚上从珠海市公安消防支队获悉,当天傍晚,位于珠海大道南屏屏北三路和屏北五路交汇处的一家印刷厂发生火灾,正规CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180服务商,金属探测器相关,现场浓烟冲天,有3人受伤。 本次火灾地点位于大楼四、五楼,据目击者透露,发生火灾的时间在16点50分前后,正规CTI-356X缆式线型感温探测器180服务商,正品火警探测、报警设备,当时先听到一声巨响,然后就看到窗口冒着浓烟,火光冲天。 据了解,现场有两人被烟呛伤,有一人急于逃生直接从楼上跳下,摔倒在屋子后面,消防人员在草丛中发现伤者。目前,三人均已被送到医院。 目前消防人员还在现场施救,初步怀疑是煤气爆炸。责任编辑:魏盼 下一步,广州将全面推进充装台视频监控系统建设,采取政企共建模式,在各储配站充装台上安全高清防爆视频监控系统,对各储配站的充装作业行为进行24小时不间断监控和录像存储,确保有效发现储配站点各类违法充装行为;进一步强化平台监管功能,完善平台数据分析挖掘功能,提高对企业各类弄虚作假行为甄别能力,全面搜索和禁用 “口袋码”和“口袋卡”,从源头上堵住违法经营漏洞;进一步加强燃气执法工作,一方面,落实市、区两级燃气专业执法队伍,建立常态化的燃气执法检查机制;另一方面,实现全过程监管平台的检查案卷自动移送到执法系统,全面加大对各类违法经营行为的打击力度;深入推进凭卡供气制度的落实,在进一步加大对“口袋卡”搜索和禁用的同时,加强对用户端的执法检查,严厉打击向无用户供气卡供气的违法经营行为,进一步推动凭卡供气制度的落实。