- 产品名称:知名H8040 LHD生产商_kidde火警探测、报警设备-上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司
- 产品价格:面议
- 产品数量:30000
- 保质/修期:365
- 保质/修期单位:日
- 更新日期:2019-10-14
The siemple and proven technology of digital Linear Heat
Detection (LHD) cable, makes it a product of choice for
difficult and challenging applications where other
technologies struggle to work.
With it’s ease of installation and low maintenance it also
provides a cost effective solution where project
expenditure requires to be kept at a minimum.
The sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steel
conductors each with temperature sensitive insulation
and then an overall Nylon outer sleeve. When the
temperature sensitive insulation reaches it’s
predetermined alarm temperature the two conductors
short together providing the digital or switched signal.
The cable can be connected to any unit capable of
monitoring a switched signal, i.e. Conventional fire
panel, addressable switch monitor unit or PLC.
The nylon outer sleeve of the H8040N offers good
chemical and water resistance, allowing it to be
deployed in harsh and dirty environments.
2013年06月18日下午,武汉市汉口青年路范湖段发生惊险一幕,一辆585路公交车在青年路发生自燃,引发大火,车上数十名乘客紧急逃生,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,所幸未造成人员伤亡。下午3时14分,一辆车牌为鄂A·HQ098的585路公交车沿青年路由南向北行驶至金盾大酒店门前,知名H8040 LHD生产商,优质火警探测、报警设备质量好,突然从尾部发动机处蹿出火苗,并迅速蔓延,知名H8040 LHD生产商,正宗火警探测、报警设备感温报警器,整车乘客万分惊恐,司机立即靠边停车,打开车门疏散人员。外出执行任务,途经现场的武汉市消防支队警官舒俊、赵晖,发现险情立即组织抢险。舒俊一边引导全车乘客安全疏散,一边指挥现场群众报警,同时从附近商铺借来数具灭火器灭火。下午3时40分,明火全部扑灭,无人员伤亡。 H8040 LINEAR HEAT DETECTION (LHD)专业的CTI-220X感温电缆105C制造商_电缆附件相关-上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司
The siemple and proven technology of digital Linear Heat
Detection (LHD) cable, makes it a product of choice for
difficult and challenging applications where other
technologies struggle to work.
With it’s ease of installation and low maintenance it also
provides a cost effective solution where project
expenditure requires to be kept at a minimum.
The sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steel
conductors each with temperature sensitive insulation
and then an overall Nylon outer sleeve. When the
temperature sensitive insulation reaches it’s
predetermined alarm temperature the two conductors
short together providing the digital or switched signal.
The cable can be connected to any unit capable of
monitoring a switched signal, i.e. Conventional fire
panel, addressable switch monitor unit or PLC.
The nylon outer sleeve of the H8040N offers good
chemical and water resistance, allowing it to be
deployed in harsh and dirty environments.
依据《电气用品安全法施行令》第九条,知名H8040 LHD生产商,正品火警探测、报警设备感温报警器,以下相关LED灯、LED灯具已成为管制对象:额定电压100V~300V,50Hz、60Hz,额定功率1W及以上、有一个金属灯头的LED灯泡;额定电压100V~300V,50Hz、60Hz,额定功率1W及以上的LED灯具(防爆灯具除外)。纳入管制的LED灯、LED灯具,圆形PSE测试所依据的安全和电磁兼容标准只有省令1项,省令2项的协调标准尚未出台,因此与LED相关的IEC标准不在《电气用品安全法》接受范围。日本通过分门别类进行抽查管制电气用品。目前,日本主要用E14、E26灯头,国内企业出口这类产品时需要注意灯头的规格。中国的大功率LED产品可以出口到日本,灯管出口到日本无需PSE认证,灯具、电源以及直流灯杯可以通过独立包装出口合理规避日本法规。